Apples are a delicate fruit that must be handled with care. At STAS we are specialized in offering best solutions for packing and grading apples carefully and quick.
We have a perfect understanding of your product, market and the specific wishes of your customers and are able to translate your requirements into an innovative apple sorting and packing solution. We do this based on more than 75 years of experience with in-house sorting and packing technology.
Infeed is the first stage of our turnkey solutions. STAS designs state of the art tipping and dumping solutions to
gently tipping bins into water tanks or into transport belts. The capacity of our
bin dumpers goes from 60 to 120 bins per hour.
The STAS Compact apple/pear stacker is only suitable for apples and pears.
This machine is a simpler version of a dumper.
The STAS apple dumper is suitable for apples.
This machine is the entry-level model of the underwater unloading system.
In our underwater unloading systems (portal and compact dumpers), the bags are carefully submerged in a water tank.
The new portal dumper (Servo V1)
Developed by STAS NV Belgium
This can easily go from 60 to 120 bins per hour.
STAS NV Belgium provides a wide range of elevators and brushers for treating fresh apples. We make sure that your fruit will be treated and dried carefully without damages.
The roller conveyor washes the apples with fresh water and sprays them. In the next stage, the apples are dried. In the horizontal roller table integrated in the elevator, the apples are rotated for a better visualisation of the whole surface, allowing a good manual inspection.